The primary purpose of forming the IFPHK in June 2000 is to develop and maintain high professional standards and self-discipline for providers of financial planning services in Hong Kong to ensure that the consumers are well-served and their interests are protected.
CFP® Certification milestone
In November 2000, IFPHK achieved its first milestone when it successfully obtained the authorization from the CFP Board (U.S.) to be the sole licensing body for the testing and certification of CFP® certificants in Hong Kong and Macau, and for issuing the CFP® Certification marks to qualified financial planning professionals in Hong Kong.
The CFP® Certification program has been very well received by the industry and the public; and currently regarded as the highest qualification for financial planning, and wealth management practitioners.
International network
IFPHK is an affiliate member of an international assembly of financial planning bodies, the Financial Planning Standards Board, which was founded to promote the professionalism of individuals and organizations offering financial planning services and to ensure that such services are offered in an ethical and competent manner throughout the world.
IFPHK's solid foundation is built on our patrons and 30 founding members.
Advisory Council
IFPHK is honored to have the support of the following patrons who are leaders of Hong Kong's financial services industry (in alphabetical order):
Mr. Choy Chung-foo
Ms. Lau Ka-shi
Managing Director & CEO, BCT Financial Limited/Bank Consortium Trust Co. Ltd.
Dr. Eric Li Ka-cheung, GBS, JP
Honorary Chairman, Shinewing Hong Kong
Dr. Anthony Neoh, SC, JP
Senior Counsel
Ex-Chief Advisor, China Securities Regulatory Commission
Dr. Raymond Or, SBS, JP
Chairman, China Strategic Holdings Limited
Mr. David Wong
Chief Executive Officer, Time Link Limited
Mr. Dicky Yip, BBS, JP
Chief Representative, Institute of International Finance Asia Pacific